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Bhavan's Books: Catalogue

  • Title: The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -1: The Vedic Age
    Author: R. C Majumdar (Editor)
    Price: Rs 1275/-
  • Title: The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -2: Age of Imperial Unity
    Author: R. C Majumdar (Editor)
    Price: Rs 1600/-
  • Title: The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -3: The Classical Age
    Author: R. C Majumdar (Editor)
    Price: Rs 1675/-
  • Title: The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -4: The Age of Imperial Kanauj
    Author: R. C Majumdar (Editor)
    Price: Rs 1470/-
  • Title: The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -5: The Struggle For Empire
    Author: R. C Majumdar (Editor)
    Price: Rs 2050/-
  • Title: The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -6: The Delhi Sultanate
    Author: R. C Majumdar (Editor)
    Price: Rs 1750/-
  • Title: The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -7:The Mughal Empire
    Author: R. C Majumdar (Editor)
    Price: Rs 2050/-
  • Title: The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -8:The Maratha Supremacy
    Author: R. C Majumdar (Editor)
    Price: Rs 1415/-
  • Title: The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -9: British Paramountcy And Indian Renaissance Part 1
    Author: R. C Majumdar (Editor)
    Price: Rs 2310/-
  • Title: The Immortal Kural
    Author: V.C. Kulandai Swamy
    Price: Rs 60/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The Immortals of the Bhagavat
    Author: Dilip Kumar Roy
    Price: Rs 175/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The Indian Triumvirate-a political biography of Gandhi-Patel-Nehru
    Author: V B Kulkarni
    Price: Rs 50/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The Indomitable Sardar
    Author: K L Panjabi
    Price: Rs 50/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The Jnaneshwari
    Author: M. R. Yardi
    Price: Rs 600/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The Journey of a man of Law - An autobiography
    Author: Justice Dr B.P.Beri
    Price: Rs 160/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The Last Hurrah
    Author: Shrikant Murthy
    Price: Rs 180/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The legacy of Baba Amte
    Author: Dr. Veena Adige
    Price: Rs 210/-
  • Title: The Legend of Rumi : The Great Mystic & the Religion of Love
    Author: K. Hussain
    Price: Rs 150/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The Life of Mahatma Gandhi
    Author: Louis Fischer
    Price: Rs 175/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The Lord has Come
    Author: Kalyani Sundararajan
    Price: Rs 120/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The Mahatma and the Poetess
    Author: Dr. E. S. Reddy
    Price: Rs 120/-
  • Title: The Makers of Indian Constitution Myth and Reality
    Author: Sheshrao Chavan
    Price: Rs 550/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The Master of Gujarat-A historical novel
    Author: K. M. Munshi
    Price: Rs 195/- (out of stock)
  • Title: The Matchless Weapon Satyagraha
    Author: James K. Mathews
    Price: Rs 200/-
  • Title: The Message of Mahabharata - The Nation’s Magnum Opus
    Author: Justice P. Kodandarmayya
    Price: Rs 400/-

  • Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27