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The book is a drama in three parts based on the famous Tamil classic 'Shilappathikaram'. It is in the form of dialogues between the hero Kovalan, heroine Kannaki, the danseuse Madhavi and maid Devanthi.Read More
This is a compilation of stories from Sanskrit classics representing moral and spiritual education taught by Hinduism. According to Sister Nivedita these stories have been the 'Cradle tales of Hinduism' uttered in song and story. The stories of Harishchandra and Shibiraja, of Nala-Damayanti, of Satyavan=Savitri and others have been told in this book.Read More
This is a collection of thirty two stories told about King Vikramaditya of Ujjain by the statuettes adorning the throne found by King Bhoja. Learned King Bhoja goes on a hunt where he comes across a shepherd who utters wise words when he is seated on a mound but changes when he comes down from it. King Bhoja arranges to excavate the area and finds a beautiful throne. On an auspicious day when he is about to ascend the throne to occupy it, each statuette holding a step of the throne asks him to halt and tells a story.Read More
Vintage stories always fascinate readers because they talk of days gone by. Rajaji has penned several stories, 37 of which have been included in this book. The stories tell of real people who were sensitive, emotional and part of India's history. Each story is different, a whiff of the emotional past of South India. Read More
These stories of King Vikramaditya appeared in the Bhavan's Journal under the caption of Vetala Panchavimsati. In response to a public demand the stories have been compiled in a book form. They are the stories as told by a ghoul residing in a dead body which is supposed to be brought by King Vikram to an ascetic. If he speaks the body goes back to its original position and Vikram has to go back to bring it. These stories of Vikram and Betaal have been very popular since they contain an element of suspense and interest.Read More
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