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The book is a culmination of V Balu's work as a global peace activist and lays emphasis on inner peace and the role of individuals in global peace, the need of the day. The book begins with a peace prayer and then talks of faith, renunciation, inner peace, mental and global peace and global peace through art.Read More
Vivekachudamani is a philosophical treatise expounding the cardinal truths of Advaita Vedanta, according to which, liberation or 'moksha' can be secured only through 'jnana', which, in the first instance, begins with the discrimination between the eternal and the transient. This book is translated by P. Sankaranarayanan. Read More
The book gives an illuminating account of Hindu Dharma in all its aspects. The Paramaguru discusses the basic texts of Veda Dharma- the four Vedas, the six Vedangas, Mimamsa, Nyaya, the Puranas and Dharmashastra. These encompass various systems of thought and various points of view and the Great Master tries to make them part of one unified vision that is Hinduism. Read More
The book is a collection of published articles and papers presented at conferences. It includes philosopher J. Krishnamurti's teachings, discussions on stress, meditation, medication, depression and other such topics.Read More
As the title suggests, the book is all about the human mind and the various uses and problems that he puts it to. The author categorically states that it is the mind that controls everything, including sleep, the death of the body. He cites examples from real life and also from mythology. He writes about Savitri who brought her husband Satyavan back from the jaws of death through sheer mind and will power. For mental problems drugs are not the answer but a strong will and mind power.Read More
Sri Rajaji presents, in the Upanishads, the grandeur of the ancient wisdom of the great Seers of Bharatvarsha. Read More
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