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Seventeen stories have been selected from the book 'Peer Parayi'. They show the nobility of giving service to suffering fellow beings and the futility of attachment to worldly possessions. There are unsung heroes of all religions who serve humanity and do yeoman service.Read More
The book is essentially for children and the stories have been told in a play form. Immortal stories of Dhruva, Prahlada and Krishna are dramatised and told in simple language so that the readers can understand them easily. The dialogues make them interesting. Read More
This is the third book in the series of 'Folk lore of Saurashtra' written by the author. They contain a collection of love legends of Saurashtra in Folk Balladry form. Read More
The book contains 12 stories of Saurashtra's folklore with delicate, intricate and interesting illustrations. Each of the stories unveils a historical character of the depicted village. Touching, real down to earth, the folk tales revive the glory of Saurashtra's past. The stories are told in a simple straight from the heart manner. Read More
The book is one of the three published by the Bhavan. The stories are based on chivalry, bravery and other values and are illustrated with sketches, truly representative of the folk art and the environment of the contemporary Saurashtra. Each story carries a map of Saurashtra showing the sites of these stories. Read More
The book is a collection of 19 folk tales of Rajasthan and include stories like 'The Prince wins a mate,' 'The vampire queen' and 'The shrew and the ghost'. Read More
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