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The book can be seen as a pathway towards reversing the downward trend of civilisation. Though there are no conclusions or choices to offer, some are suggested by the author. The book is about the growth and development of culture and the evolution of civilization. The approach to the topic is historical and philosophical. Many questions are asked making the reader pause and think of answers. Read More
This book is an expansion of the author's earlier book titled 'Vedanta' and is of special interest to scholars and statesmen all over the country. The thesis of the book puts heart into those fighting the global battle for civilization governed by moral order. Readers get a clear idea of the philosophy of Hindus. Read More
The book is a collection of the writings, poems of 22 saints and great men and women. During the bhakti period in India several saints were born in different parts of the country. They sang and danced, wrote poems ,gave talks and had a large following and interesting stories. In almost all of their lives, God has appeared to them either in person or in a dream or as a miracle and has changed their lives forever. Read More
The author has advocated twenty two steps to peace in this book. They include curbing anger, thinking positive, removing ego etc. They take the reader to the serene waters of the lake of peace. They are all well thought and do not seem unattainable to anyone who reads them. Read More
The book is an analysis of spiritual problems in the light of modern science, presented in a simple and concise manner. Beginning with the eternal question of 'Who am I?' he goes on with 'What am I?' and then talks on life and death, on mind and matters, the purpose of life etc. Read More
The book is a thought on the need for synthesis 'of everything, all existence, all that is perceived, felt, said, written, done and thought of'. It contains various letters on different topics written by the author and published in newspapers and elsewhere. The Times of India has published several of them.Read More
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