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The book dwells on the transformative impact of lifestyle choices on holistic health. These lifestyle choices include nutritious diet and physical activity.Read More
The author has described everything from basics to details that one must know, to be to treat cancer successfully. This book is also meant for many curious minds who would like to learn the healthy ways of life, learn how simple changes in daily diet and lifestyle can help them overcome disease and live healthier.Read More
This book is a medical administrator's comparative experiences.Management of hospitals is a very complex task and the CEO of the hospital has to have a lot of coping abilities. There are no rules of the thumb but it is only with experience that one learns how to manage a hospital. The main role of the hospital is to provide high quality medical care to each patient which needs cooperation from all sectors and it is here that the CEO shows his mettle as a capable captain. This book is based on first hand experiences of the writer in handling situations that arise in the running of hospitals.Read More
The book highlights the importance of the neem tree and its uses. 'Neem in ayurveda' is a useful source of information on the medicinal and therapeutic uses of neem, such as its external and internal uses, dental hygiene, fertility regulating materials, ophthalmic uses, treatment of contagious diseases, toiletries etc. Read More
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