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The book contains a delightful collection of 50 Aesop tales with eye-catching illustrations.Read More
This book for standard XII throws light on Goal Setting, Gratitude, Resisting Peer Pressure, Stress and Time Management and many such interesting topics.Read More
This book for standard XI throws light on Optimism, Commitment, Integrity, Health and Wellness, Resilience, Empathy, Teamwork, Being Focused, The Art of Communication, Being Consistent and Organised, Ethics and Etiquettes and many such topics that helps in shaping your personality.Read More
Nasruddin Hodja (also called Mullah Nasruddin) is a highly popular Turkish folk figure, well-known for his hilarity, wisdom and courage. According to historical documents, he was a scholar who lived in the 13th century in Anatolia (present-day Turkey). Stories about him have been narrated between people for centuries, some for humour and others for conveying a moral lesson.Read More
Cover Price:- Rs. 1510/- Discounted Price:- Rs. 1283/-
The Satthwa series uses education as a means to ignite young minds by developing their creative and cognitive skills, inculcating fine qualities of the head and heart, cultivating social and moral values in young children and moulding them into worthy citizens.
The series enhances the quality of education as it acquires knowledge from various sources.Read More
This book for standard X throws light on excellence, positive attitude, and accountability.Read More
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