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This book for standard X throws light on excellence, positive attitude, and accountability.Satthwa : Human to Humane – the Value Education Series, is introduced with the aim of making children worthy citizens. The Satthwa series, designed for classes I-XII (a set of 12 Books) will shield the young from all the negative influences of the present day, arising from a rootless cultural ethos.
In the past, our elders used to teach us discipline, manners through numerous stories and examples. The Satthwa series will play the same role of making children a better human being full of love and compassion and imbued with a sense of service to society and humanity.
About The Author: Kochi Kendra :
The Research and Development Centre, Kochi, was set up on June 2016. The main objective of the Research Centre was to formulate a long term vision programme on attaining and developing system of value based education that will be relevant and appropriate to the needs of the emerging times and to support all Bhavan's Schools in organising training and orientation programmes for Principals, Teachers and Students and also handholding with schools to exceed excellence.