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This book is an indispensable book for admirers of Sri Aurobindo, students of Yoga, lovers of poetry and serious practitioners of the Creative Art of Life. The author does ample justice to all the facts. The illustrative quotations and his appreciative comments enrich the volume immensely.The book is unusual interest to students of poetry and Yoga as references to poetry and poets are scattered all over. Sri Aurobindo was both poet and critic of poetry, and he was also the prophet of future poetry and, in very considerable measure, fulfiller of his own prophecy. Dilip does ample justice to all facets, and the illustrative quotations and his own appreciative comments enrich further a volume whose value even other wise must be priceless.
About The Author: Dilip Kumar Roy :
Sri Aurobindo's close disciple, Dilip Kumar Roy is a mystic, a singer, composer, poet, author of more than 75 books in Bengali and 25 in English and is an awardee of Sur Sudhakar and Sangeet Ratnakar awards.