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The contributors, who are from various sections of contemporary life, write with a revealing candour and, in not a few cases, are unsparing in the criticism of themselves. High-lighting the situation and events, rather than projecting themselves, they take care to keep their personalities in the background thereby sustaining the interest of the reader throughout.Some eminent personalities of the present-day, leaders of thought and action, speak in this book about the lessons they have learnt from their eventful lives. Each one of them, who has attained success and celebrity in a particular field, looks back reflectively on the course of his life, on his failures and achievements.
The lessons that they have learnt from their lives are only amplications of the central maxim that "where there is Dharma, there is Victory," that there are no short-cuts to success and that it cannot be achieved bypassing the eternal laws of morality.
About The Author: Several Eminent Contributors :
Contributors: Maharashi D.K. Karve, Albert Schweitzer, R.P.Masani, C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar, H.V.Divatia, Pitirim A. Sorokin, Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur, Sri Prakasa, Bhimsen Sachar, H.H.Jagadguru Sri Sankaracharya of Kanchi, Gurdiyal Mallik, Y.N. Sukthankar, B.P.Sinha, Sukumar Sen, M.C.Chagla, S.S.Vasan, K.M.Cariappa, C.C.Desai, U.N.Dhebar, Jaya Chamaraja Wadiyar, H.V. Kamath, Morarji Desai, S.K.Patil, P. Subbarayan, R.C. Majumdar, V.T. Sreenivasan, Viswanatha Satyanarayana, V.V. Giri