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This book narrates in detail the history of the life work of both Gandhi and Chaplin. The author has brought out the similarities between two creative Geniuses- Gandhi and Chaplin. Though both were different in their lifestyles, in their work and attire they still had something very essential and fundamental in common. They both protested and revolted against the industrial society and civilization. The author feels that in future the message of both Gandhi and Chaplin will have a greater value and meaning than before.
About The Author: Dr. Jayanti Patel :
Dr. Jayanti Kalidas Patel 'Ranglo' was born on 24-5-1924 at Ahmedabad. He obtained B.A. degreee in 1947, and was awarded Ph.D. degree in 1982 for his research on 'Natya-yoga' carried out under the guidance of Prof. S. A. Upadhyaya, Director, Bhavan's Mungalal Goenka Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Research, Mumbai.