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First Edition - Completely Sold out!
Inner light, the second book is a compilation of Shri T.G.L. Iyer's popular Self Development columns, published in various newspapers like the Hindustan Times, The Times of India, The Hitavada, Lokmat Times and Free Press Journal, in the last three decades.
The Book is meant for all those who wish to discover themselves. It provides the dyanmic power to unfold, exploit and bring out whatever is not yet discovered so far.
The Book is a "Ready-Reckoner" of Self Development, as any topic can be selected at random, and can be read for relaxation, during travel, or at bedtime, recharging one with elevated ideas, and thoughts.
About The Author: T.G.L. Iyer :
T.G.L. Iyer, born in 1927 at Kochi, Kerala, is a Science Post-Graduate from Banaras Hindu University. He served as a police officer at various levels and retired as the Director-General, Central Reserve Police Force, New Delhi, in 1985.
He joined the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in 1986 as Honorary Director, at Nagpur. His aptitude for writing manifested while in the Police and if flowered further in the Bhavan.